Wednesday, April 15, 2009

We play by the rules

  • The lesser said, the better.
  • Please try not using the reverse image search. It's against the spirit of the blog and against the general spirit of quizzing as a whole.
  • While attempting any question, feel free to write your answers(however lame it may be) as comments.
  • The (right)answer to a question will be posted within 5 days.
  • You shall be rewarded, when the time is right (the day will come, Believe!).
  • Wiki is God!
  • Let the games begin...


An easy one to begin with. Connect the 2 images. Bonus points for naming the 2 persons in the pic...

Ans. Connect cracked by dhawal and abhinav. But, no one gave the complete answer. The 1st pic was a pic of SIS(MI6) for which bond worked for. The 2nd pic is a picture of Ian Fleming and James Bond. James Bond was an American Ornithologist widely believed to be the inspiration behind the character of James Bond.So, the connect was James Bond.


dhawal said...

royal coat of arms and ian fleming the answer James Bond

Anonymous said...

1. Secret Intelligence Service
2. Ian Fleming

Connect - Bond novels by 2 in which 1 has played several important roles. Either of MI6 or SIS could be a valid connect.

--Ajay Parasuraman

Abhinav Malhotra said...

1.English Coat of Arms
2.Ian Fleming and going for the usual guess..the other guy is the arbit ex MI6 agent who inspired Ian Fleming to create the legendary Bond.

Connect:James Bond??